Infernal Punks Community Rulebook
Don't be a dick: Respect is required towards everyone in the community. Personal attacks in any form and significant disrespect are not allowed whether in text or voice.
Age Requirement: You must be at least 18 years old to join. We are all adults here, sort of...
Embrace Diversity: Be comfortable with regular interaction among people of different ethnic, religious, and ideological backgrounds. No nudity, racism, or gore is allowed. Sending inappropriate images or messages through private chat are not allowed.
Play Fairly: Any form of cheating in online games is a bannable offense and will lead to immediate removal from the community and game charters.
Voice Chat is Mandatory: Participating in our Discord voice chat is required during gameplay with the community.
Path to Membership: To become a member of the community you will need to complete a necessary short voice interview on Discord. The specific charter's rules will guide you through the membership process.
Guest Invitations and Responsibility: Members may invite guests under a Friend role. Guest can be removed by a 5 member vote. Guest should be friends or family of a Punk, and should not be invited for traders or temporary members to accomplish a goal in a game. Guests are responsible for abiding by the same rules as the community.
Administrator Duties: Administrators handle the Discord, website, finances, and account duties. They work with the Infernal Congress to enforce rules and approve charter management decisions. The Administrator must sanction and vote to approve a charter's opening and/or closing. The Administrator will work with community leadership to keep the community prosperous via the Infernal Congress.
Creating New Game Charters: To establish a new game charter, there must no less than 4 current members of the community or friends of the Infernal Punks community. Two of these members will serve as officers in the charter. These members are responsible for creating the charter's bylaws and are required to focus on building and growing the new charter. Officers of charters can participate in any other charters, but cannot take officer positions for other games within the community.
Prohibition on Recruitment for Other Communities: The community's platforms cannot be used as a recruitment ground for other established communities.
Becoming a Recruiter: Members can become recruiters for our community with training from an officer after 2 months of membership. Processing new recruits, conducting interviews, screening, and promoting the community on social media are all responsibilities expected of a Recruiter.
Community Member Removal Procedure: Punks are defined as those who are actively participating in an active game charter or an officer within an active game charter and have been voted into their game charter as a member. A member can be removed by a charter officer vote. To be removed from an active game charter, a 75% majority vote is required of the charter officer vote. There is a 72-hour vote window, and a temporary isolation of the offender in question can be applied to preserve the peace of the community. Calling for the removal of a member of the community is serious, and it requires that the member must have broken a cited rule(s) of the Community Rulebook or charter bylaw. Only Yes or No votes by the charter officers are considered and apply.
Rulebook Precedence: This community rulebook overrides any individual charter bylaws shall there be conflict.